- Zelun Wang and Jyh-Charn Liu, “PDF2LaTeX: A Deep Learning System to Convert Mathematical Documents from PDF to LaTeX,” In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2020 (DocEng ’20), San Jose, CA, Sept. 2020.
- Donald Beyette, Zelun Wang, Jason Lin, and Jyh-Charn Liu, “Semi-Automatic LaTeX-Based Labeling of Mathematical Objects in PDF Documents: MOP Data Set”. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2019 (DocEng ’19). Berlin, Germany, Sept. 2019.
- Jason Lin, Xing Wang, Zelun Wang, Donald Beyette, and Jyh-Charn Liu, “Prediction of Mathematical Expression Declarations based on Spatial, Semantic, and Syntactic Analysis,” In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2019 (DocEng ’19). Berlin, Germany, Sept. 2019. 🏆 Best Student Paper Award.
- Xing Wang, Zelun Wang, and Jyh-Charn Liu, “Bigram Label Regularization to Reduce Over-Segmentation on Inline Math Expression Detection,” International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), Sydney, Australia, Sept. 2019.
- Zelun Wang, Donald Beyette, Jason Lin, and Jyh-Charn Liu, “Extraction of Math Expressions from PDF Documents Based on Unsupervised Modeling of Fonts,” International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), Sydney, Australia, Sept. 2019.
- Donald Beyette, Michael Rugh, Jason Lin, Xing Wang, Zelun Wang, Jyh-Charn Liu, and Robert Capraro, “DIME: A Dynamic Interactive Mathematical Expression Tool for STEM Education”, 126th Annual Conference and Exposition ASEE, Tampa, Florida, June 2019.
- Colton Riedel, Guoyu Fu, Donald Beyette, and Jyh-Charn Liu, ”Measurement System Timing Integrity in the Presence of Faults and Malicious Attacks”. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Synchronized Measurements and Analytics (SGSMA), College Station, Texas, May 2019.
- Xing Wang, Jason Lin, Ryan Vrecenar, and Jyh-Charn Liu, “QuQn map: Qualitative-Quantitative mapping of scientific papers,” In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2018 (DocEng ’18). Halifax, Canada, Aug. 2018.
- Jason Lin, Xing Wang, and Jyh-Charn Liu. Prediction of Mathematical Expression Constraints (ME-Con). In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2018 (DocEng ’18). Halifax, Canada, Aug. 2018.
- Xing Wang and Jyh-Charn Liu, “A Font Setting Based Bayesian Model to Extract Mathematical Expression in PDF Files,” 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 2017.
- Guoyu Fu, Colton Riedel, Tyler Holmes, and Jyh-Charn Liu, “SIAM: Extruded Shapefile based Interference Avoidance and Mitigation for GNSS Navigation in Urban Canyons”. Proceedings of the 30th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2017), Portland, Oregon, Sept. 2017.
- Xing Wang, Jason Lin, Ryan Vrecenar and Jyh-Charn Liu, “Syntactic role identification of mathematical expressions,” Twelfth International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM), Fukuoka, Japan, Sept. 2017.
- Guoyu Fu, Tyler Holmes, Colton Riedel, and Jyh-Charn Liu, “RAIM and SBAS based Detection of GNSS Spoofing by Timing and Content Consistency Rules”. Proceedings of the 30th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2017), Portland, Oregon, Sept. 2017.
- Xing Wang and Jyh-Charn Liu, “A content-constrained spatial (CCS) model for layout analysis of mathematical expressions,” Twelfth International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM), Fukuoka, Japan, Sept. 2017.
- Guoyu Fu, Lingjun Pu, and Jyh-Charn Liu, “Line-Of-Sight Based Multipath Avoidance for GNSS Signals: Data Structures and Algorithms,” Proceedings of the 28th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2015), Tampa, Florida, Sept. 2015.
- Jason Lin, Xing Wang, Benke Qu, Stephen George, and Jyh-Charn Liu, “Strategic Planning and Tactical Situational Awareness Using MECH,” Proceedings of the 20th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland, Jun 16-19, 2015.
- Xing Wang, Jason Lin, Stephen George, and Jyh-Charn Liu, “DT-GIS System for Tactical Pattern Exploration in Asymmetric Conflicts,” Proceedings of the 20th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland, Jun 16-19, 2015.
- John Pecarina, Guoyu Fu, and Jyh-Charn Liu, “Observation and mitigation of causal re-ordering in distributed business process logs,” 2015 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS), Atlanta, Georgia, June 2015.
- Jason Lin, Benke Qu, Xing Wang, Stephen George, and Jyh-Charn Liu, “Risk Management in Asymmetric Conflict: Using Predictive Route Reconnaissance to Assess and Mitigate Threats,” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Social Computing, Behavior-Cultural Modeling and Prediction, Washington, D.C., LNCS Vol. 9021, pp. 350-355, Mar 31-Apr 3, 2015.
- Xing Wang, Stephen George, Jason Lin, and Jyh-Charn Liu, “Quantifying Tactical Risk: A Framework for Statistical Classification Using MECH,” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Social Computing, Behavior-Cultural Modeling and Prediction, Washington, D.C., LNCS Vol. 9021, pp. 446-451, Mar 31-Apr 3, 2015.
2013 and Older
- Aditya Belsare,  Steve Liu and Sunil Khatri, “GPU Implementation of a Scalable Non-Linear Congruential Generator for Cryptography Applications”, accepted to Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI) 2013
- John Pecarina, Jyh-Charn Liu, “Behavior Instance Extraction for Risk Aware Control in Mission Centric Systems”, 2013 IEEE International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA), February 26-28, 2013, San Diego, CA
- Ozgur Gonen, Jaskirat Batra, Sonali Mahapatra, and Steve Liu, “Exploring GPU Architectures To Accelerate Semantic Comparison For Intention-Based Search”, GPGPU-6, a workshop for ASPLOS XVIII, Houston, TX, March 17, 2013.
- Hao Wang, Jyh-Charn Liu, “An FPGA Based Parallel Architecture for Music Melody Matching”, FPGA ’13, February 11 – 13 2013, Monterey, CA (23%)
- John Pecarina, Shi Pu, Jyh-Charn Liu, “SAPPHIRE: Anonymity For Enhanced Control and Private Collaboration in Health Care”, IEEE CloudCom, Dec. 2012 (17.7%)
- John Pecarina, Jyh-Charn Liu, “PAPSAT: A Framework for Modeling and Analysis of Workflow Dynamics in Mission-Centric Systems”, IEEE 2012 International Conference on     Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2012)
- Cheng-Hung Lin, Jyh-Charn Liu, “ M-DFA (Multithreaded DFA): An Algorithm for Reduction of State Transitions and Acceleration of REGEXP Matching”, ANCS’12: Symposium on Architecture for Networking and Communications Systems, 2012
- Hao Wang,  Shi Pu, Gabe Kneze, Jyh-Charn Liu, “A Modular NFA Architecture for Regular Expression Matching,” ACM SIGDA FPGA conference, Feb. 2010.
- Weiqin Ma, Alessandro Forin, Jyh-Charn(Steve) Liu, “ Rapid Prototyping and Compact Testing of CPU Emulators,” 21st IEEE International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping,     June 2010
- Huajin Ying, Jyh-Charn Liu, “Automated localization of macula-fovea area on retina images using blood vessel network topology”, ICASSP, March 14-19, Dallas, pp. 650-653, 2010 (47%)
- Shi Pu, Cheng-Chung Tan, and Jyh-Charn Liu, “SA2PX: A Tool to Translate Spam Assassin Regular Expression Rules to POSIX”, 6th Conference on Email and Anti-Spam, 2009 (30%)
- Gouchol Park, Jyh-Charn Liu, Keun Ho Ryu, “Effective Feature Selection Framework for Cluster Analysis of Microarray Data”, International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB), Singapore, 2009
- Gabe Knezek, Huajing Ying, Jyh-Charn Liu, “A Dynamically Reconfigurable FPGA Architecture for Biomedical Applications”, 2009 Workshop on Biomedicine in Computing: Systems, Architectures, and Circuits (BiC-2009) (a part of ISCA)
- Hong Lu, Andrew Jiang, Steve Liu, “Locality Sensitive Information Brokerage in Distributed Sensor Networks”, 28th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 2008 (16%)
- Hong Lu, Gabe Knezek, Weiqin Ma, Steve Liu, Neil Pittman, Alessandro Forin, “Zero-Overhead Stack Smashing Detection”, poster in FCCM 2008.
- Sheng-Ya Lin, Jonas Tan, Jyh-Charn Liu, Michael Oehler, “High-Speed Detection of Unsolicited Bulk Emails”, the Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems, Dec. 2007 (28%).
- Jianjia Wu, Jyh-Charn Liu, Wei Zhao, “Utilization-Bound Based Schedulability Analysis of Weighted Round Robin Schedulers”, IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), Dec. 2007. 🏆 Best Student Paper Award.
- Ming Zhang, Jyh-Charn Liu, “Directional Local Contrast Based Blood Vessel Detection in Retinal Images”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, accepted, 2007 (45%)
- Hong Lu, Steve Liu, Anxiao(Andrew) Jiang, “A Cross-layer Design for End-to-End On-Demand Bandwidth Allocation in Infrastructure Wireless Mesh Networks”, International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems and Applications, Chicago, 2007 (45%)
- Oscar Almeida, Gabe Knezek, Jyh-Charn Liu, “Real Time Vital Sign Monitoring System using P2V”, Workshop on Software and Systems for Medical Devices and Services 2007 (SMDS 2007)
- Ming Zhang, Huajun Ying, Dazhi Sun, Yu-Jen Chang, Jyh-Charn Liu, “Computer-Based Screening of Early Vascular Anomaly”, Workshop on Software and Systems for Medical Devices and Services 2007 (SMDS 2007)
- Huajun Ying, Ming Zhang, Jyh-Charn Liu, “ Fractal-based Automatic Localization and Segmentation of Optic Disc in Retinal Images”, 28th Annual international conference of the IEEE Engineering In Medicine and Biology     Society (EMBS), 2007
- O. Almeida, M. Zhang, J.C. Liu, “Dynamic Fall Detection and Pace Measurement in Walking Sticks”, Joint Workshop On High Confidence Medical Devices, Software, and Systems (HCMDSS) and Medical Device Plug-and-Play (MD PnP) Interoperability, June 2007.
- Hong Lu, Steve Liu, “Upper-bounding End-to-End Throughput for Multihop Wireless Mesh Networks”, The First International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems and Applications, pp. 676-687, Aug. 2006. (39%)
- Hai Xu, Jin-Jia Hu, Jay Humphrey, J.-C. Liu, “Modeling and measurement of elastic laminae in arteries”, 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, pp. 626-629, April 2006. (56%)
- M. Zhang, D. Wu, Jyh-Charn Liu, “On the Small Vessel Detection in High Resolution Retinal Images”, 27th Annual international conference of the IEEE Engineering In Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), pp. 3177-3179, Shanghai, China, Sep. 2005.
- Jianjia Wu, Jyh-Charn Liu, Wei Zhao, “On Schedulability Bounds of Static Priority Schedulers”, IEEE real-time and embedded technology and applications symposium, pp. 529 – 540, 2005. (30%, 2-column, 12 pages)
- YP Shen, T Lam, Jyh-Charn Liu, Wei Zhao, “On the Confidential Auditing of Distributed Computing Systems”, IEEE International Conference on Distributed Systems (ICDCS2004), pp. 600 – 607, 2004. (18%, 2-column 10 pages)
- Yong Xiong, Jyh-Charn Liu, Kang Shin, W. Zhao, “On the Modeling and Optimization of Discontinuous Network Congestion Control Systems”, IEEE INFOCOM, Vol. 4, 7-11 pp.2812 – 2820, 2004. (15%, 2-column 11 pages)
- Gou-Chol Pok, Jyh-Charn Liu, Keun Ho Ryu, “New Shape-Based Texture Descriptors for Rotation-Invariant Texture Classification”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 3, pp. III-533-536 vol.2, Sep. 2003
- Gou-Chol Pok, Jyh-Charn Liu, and Keun-Ho Ryu, “Fast Estimation of the Number of Texture Segments Using Co-Occurrence Statistics”, Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol. 3, 6-10, pp. III-341-344 vol.3, Apr. 2003.
- Choi, C., Sungsoo, K., and Liu, J. C. “Adaptive Data Reorganization for Shared Storage Cluster Systems”, Proceedings of 2002 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’02), Vol.1, pp. 462-467, Monte Carlo Resort Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2002.
- VC Ravikumar, Mahapatra, R., and Liu, J. C., “Modified LC-Trie Based     Efficient Routing Lookup (slides)”, 2002 IEEE 10th International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), pp.177-182, Oct. 2002.
- In, H., Jung, S., and Liu, S., “Modeling Man and Machine Interactions for Virtual Vulnerability Defense,” 2002 IEEE SMC Information Assurance Workshop, United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, Jun. 2002.
- Liu, S., and Shen, Y., “On the anti-eavesdropping broadcast,” Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE SMC Information Assurance and Security Workshop, pp. 169-174, United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, Jun. 2002.
- Nair, A. S., Liu, J. C., Rilett, L., and Gupta, S., “Non-Linear Analysis of Traffic Flow,” The 4th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Oakland CA, pp. 681-685, Aug. 2001.
- Liu, S., In, H., and Jung, S., “A Spiral/Reverse Spiral Life Cycle Model for Information Systems Risk Assessment,” Proceedings of 2001 IEEE SMC Information Assurance Workshop, pp. 116-121, United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, Jun. 2001.
- Liu, S., Xiong, Y., and Sun, P., “On Defense of the Distributed Denial of Service Attacks: An On-Off Control Approach”, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Information Assurance and Security Workshop Part A, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 282-293, West Point, New York, Jul. 2001.
- Barkley, A., Liu, S., Le Gia, Q. T., Dingfield, M., and Gokhale, Y., “A Testbed for Study of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks”, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Information Assurance and Security Workshop, West Point, New York, Jun. 2000.
- Liu, J. C., Freckleton, M., Lien, J. M., and Wu, D., “On the Portable Diagnostic Information and Telemedicine System,” Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, pp. 37-35, Houston, Jun. 2000.
- Pok, J., and Liu, J.C., “Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Based on Histogram of Embedded Gabor Features and MRF Model,” Proceedings of 1999 International Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 3, pp. 208-211, 1999.
- Pok, G., and Liu, J.C., “Decision-Based Median Filter Improved by Predictions”, Proceedings of 1999 International Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 2, pp. 410-413, 1999.
- Pok, G., and Liu, J.C., “Texture Edge Detection by Feature Encoding and Predictive Model”, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vol. 2, pp. 1105-1108, Arizona, 1999.
- Zheng, L., Chan, A.K., and Liu, J.C., “Spatial-temporal segmentation scheme for object-oriented video coding based on wavelet and MMRF”, SPIE’s Conference on Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing VII, Vol. 3813, pp. 822-831, 1999.
- Zheng, L., Liu, J.C., Chan, A.K., and Smith, W., “Object-based Image Segmentation Using DWT/RDWT Multiresolution Markov Random Field,” 1999 IEEE International Conference On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol. 6, pp. 3485-3488, Phoenix, Arizona, Mar. 1999.
- Zheng, L., Chan, A.K., and Liu, S., “DWT Based MMRF Segmentation Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image Processing”, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vol. 2, pp. 1332-1334, Jun. 1999.
- Pok, G., and Liu, J.C., “Texture Classification by a Two-level Hybrid Scheme,” SPIE Photonics West Conferences, pp. 614-622, Jan. 1999.
- Zheng, L., Liu, J.C., and Chan, A., “Using of DWT based MMRF segmentation method for SAR images (abstract),” Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, Mar. 1999.
- Zheng, L., Chan, A.K., McCord, G., Wu, S., Liu, J.S., “Detection of Carcinoma Masses for Screening Mammography using DWT based Multiresolution Markov Random Field, ” Supplement to Journal of Digital Imaging, Vol. 12, No. 2, Suppl. 1, pp. 18-23, May 1999.
- Zheng, L., Wu, H., Liu, J.C., Chan, A.K., “An Object-oriented Image Coding Scheme Based on DWT and Markov Random Field,” Multimedia Computing and Networking 1999,     IS&T/SPIE’s 11th Symposium on Electronic Imaging, pp. 76-83, San Jose, CA, Jan. 1999.
- Zheng, L., Chan, A., McCord, G., Wu, S., and Liu, J., “Detection of Carcinoma Masses for Screening Mammography using DWT based Multiresolution Markov Random Field”, The 16th Symposium for Computer Applications in Radiology (SCAR 99), May 1999.
- Lu, S., Smith, W., Holyer, R., Chan, A., and Liu, S., “Directional Noise Removal for Aerial Imagery Using Wavelet X-ray Transform”, Proceedings of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vol. 4, pp. 2038-2040, 1998.
- Liu, S., Smith, W., Holyer, R., and Chan, A., “Perceptionally Lossless Wavelet-Based Compression for Very Large Oceanographic Images”, Proceedings of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vol. 4, pp. 1748-1750, 1998.
- Thomadakis, T., and Liu, J.C., “Development of Portable Middleware Services in POSIX Environments”, Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Middleware for Distributed Real-Time Systems and Services, pp. 146—153, Dec. 1997.
- Chen, Y., and Liu, J.C. “A Hybrid Interconnection Network for Integrated Communications Services”, 11th International Parallel Processing Symposium, pp. 341-345, Geneva, 1997.
- Shahrier, S., and Liu, J.C., “On Predictability and Optimization of Multiprogrammed Caches for Real-time Applications”, IEEE International Performance, Computers, and Communications Conference (IPCCC97), pp. 17-25, Scottsdale, AZ, Feb. 1997.
- Shin, D., Wu, T., and Liu, J.C., “A Region-based Wavelet Compression Method for Medical Images”, SPIE International Symposium on Medical Imaging, Vol. 3031, pp.790-798, Newport Beach, CA, Feb. 1997.
- Shin, D., and Liu, J.C., “On the Optimal Progressive Transmission of Wavelet Packet Compressed Images”, SPIE Wavelet Applications Conference, Vol. 3078, pp.33-41, Orlando, FL, Apr. 1997.
- Chang, C., Liu, J.C., and Chan, A.K., “On the Architectural Support for Fast Wavelet Transform”, SPIE Wavelet Applications Conference, Vol. 3078, pp. 700-707, Orlando, FL, Apr. 1997.
- Yu, T., Lin, N., Liu, J.C., and Chan, A.K., “A Region-of-Interest Based Transmission Protocol for Wavelet-Compressed Medical Images”, SPIE Wavelet Applications Conference, Vol. 3078, pp. 56-64, Orlando, FL, Apr. 1997.
- Chang, C., Wu, S., Liu, J.C., and Chui, C., “A Wavelet Frame Based Microcalcification Detection Algorithm,” Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3169, pp. 349-356, Houston, Oct. 1997
- Thomodakis, M., and Liu, J.C., “An Efficient Steepest-Edge LP Parallel Algorithm on the SIMD Massively Parallel Machines,” ACM Supercomputing Symposium, pp. 286-293, May 1996.
- Hazle, J., Elekes, A., Liu, J.C., Thompson, S., Schomer, D., Huffman, J., and Chui, C., “A New Wavelet Image Compression Algorithm”, Symposium for Computer Assisted Radiology (S/CAR96), Denver Jun. 1996.
- Lee, H.J., and Liu, J.C., “Real-Time Guaranteed Video Transport for Video-on-Demand Systems”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, pp. 156-159, Hiroshima, Japan, Jun. 1996.
- Lee, H.J., Liu, J.C., Chan, A.K. and Chui, C., “An Error Concealment Algorithm for Wavelet-Coded Images over Packet- Switched Networks”, SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking, pp. 222-233, Apr. 1996.
- Liu, J.C., and Lee, H.J., “Deterministic Upperbounds of the Worst Case Execution Times of Cached Programs”, Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE Real Time Systems Symposium, pp. 182-191, Jun. 1995.
- Chen, Y.L., Zhang, Y., and Liu, J.C., “Dynamic Processor Sharing in Torus Multicomputers,” Proceedings of IEEE 1995 Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, pp. 204-207, Dallas, Oct. 1995.
- Venglar, S., Urbanik II, T., and Liu, J.C., “Real-Time Optimization at Diamond Interchanges”, Proceedings of IEEE Real-Time Technology and Application Symposium, pp. 250-255, Chicago, May 1995.
- Lee, H.J., Liu, J.C., Chan, A.K., and Chui, C., “A Parallel Vector Quantization Algorithm for SMD Multiprocessor Systems (Abstract)”, Proceedings of IEEE Data Compression Conference, pp. 479, Snowbird, Utah, Mar. 1995.
- Chan, Chui, C., Lemoigne, J., Lee, H., Liu, J.C., and El-Ghazawi, T., “The Performance Impact of Data Placement for Wavelet Decomposition of Two Dimensional Image Data on SMD Machines”, Proceedings of 5th Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation, pp. 246-251, 1995.
- Hao, Y., and Liu, J.C., “Media Synchronization in ATM Network-Based Distributed Multimedia Systems”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing     Systems, pp. 468-475, Poznan, Poland, Jun. 1994.
- Chen, Y.L., and Liu, J.C., “Reliable Processor Coordination for Distributed Resource Management in Hypercubes”, Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Fault-Tolerant Parallel and Distributed Systems, pp.85-90, 1994.
- Chen, Y.L., and Liu, J.C., “A Restricted Subcube Management Scheme for Hypercube Multicomputers”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, pp. 180-185, Las Vegas, Oct. 1994.
- Chen, Y., and Liu, J.C., “Reliable Processor Coordination in Hypercubes”, Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Workshop on Fault-Tolerant Computing, pp. 85-90, Jun. 1994.
- Liu, J.C., and Lee, H.J., “On the Worst-Case Execution Time of Cached Real-Time Programs (Extended Abstract)”, Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Architectures for Real-Time Applications, Chicago, Apr. 1994.
- Lee, H.J., Liu, J.C., Chan, A.K., and Chui, C.K., “Parallel Implementation of Wavelet Decomposition/Reconstruction Algorithms”, SPIE Wavelet Application Conference, pp. 248-259, Orlando, Florida, Apr. 1994.
- Liu, J.C., and Shahrier, S., “On Predictability of Caches for Real-Time Applications”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), pp. 6-10, Jan. 1994.
- Liu, J.C., Kim, J., Chen, Y., Hao, Y., Kim, T., Lee, S., and Urbanik, T., “The Advanced Distributed Ramp Metering System (ARMS) (Extended Abstract)”, Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems, pp. 17-22, Cancun, Mexico, Apr. 1994.
- Chen, Y., and Liu, J.C., “Efficient Communication Channel Allocation in Multicomputer Based Information Systems”, Mar. 1994.
- Perez, J., Liu, J.C. and Watson, K., “A Compiler Assisted Dynamic Processor Allocation Scheme”, Proceedings of the Second Engineering & Architecture Symposium, Workshop, and Exhibition, Texas, Mar. 1994.
- Lee, H.J., and Liu, J.C., “A Distributed Multicast Algorithm for Hypercube Multicomputers”, International Conference on Parallel Processing, pp. 100-104, Aug. 1993.
- Lee, H.J., and Liu, J.C., “A Fault-Tolerant Broadcast Algorithm for Hypercubes”, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, pp. 118-122, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 1993.
- Liu, J.C., Kim, J., Chen, Y., Hao, Y., and Urbanik, T., “The Area-Wide Real-Time Traffic Control (ARTC) System: Fault-Tolerant Design and its Analysis”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, pp. 330-336, Kawasaki, Japan, Apr. 1993.
- Kim, J., Liu, J.C., and Hao, Y., “An All Sharing Load Balancing Protocol in Distributed Systems on the CSMA/CD Local Area Network”, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, pp. 82-89, Jun. 1992.
- Liu, J.C., Shin, K.G., and Chang, C., “Prevention of Hot Spots in Packet-Switched Multistage Interconnection Networks”, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, pp. 1-6, Hsin Chu, Taiwan, Dec. 1992.
- Liu, J.C., and Chen, Y., “On the Distributed Subcube-allocation Strategies in the Hypercube Multiprocessor Systems”, Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, pp. 360-364, Dallas, Dec. 1992.
- Kim, J., Liu, J.C., Urbanik, T., Swarnam, P., Park, T., and Hao, Y., “The Areawide Real-time Traffic Control (ARTC) System: A Distributed Computing System”, Proceedings of the 16th Annual Int. Computer Software Application Conference, pp. 263-268, Sep. 1992.
- Hao, Y., Liu, J.C., and Kim, J., “Task Scheduling in Hard Real-time Distributed Systems on a Bus Local Area Network”, Proceedings of the 11th Annual Int. Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, pp. 411-416, Jun. 1992.
- Liu, J.C., and Kim, J., “An Architecture Support for Fast Recovery in Multiprocessor Systems Based on a Multistage Interconnection Network”, Proceedings of the Real-Time Systems Symposium Workshop, pp. 32-37, San Antonio, TX, Dec. 1991.