Spring 2020 RE

Spring 2020 Schedule

Required Books (Free PDF version)



Winter Break Tasks for Spring 2020

Homework Tasks for Spring 2020

Final Project

Code Breaker

Download this VM image

  • Can you change the control flow of the program?


  1. Create a private github repository with your tamu email named RE_451_write-ups
  2. Create a winter_break root directory for the winter break tasks and sub-directories for each solution named task_<#>, where <#> is 1, 2, 3, or 4.
  3. Create a spring_writeup root directory for the spring assignments and sub-directories for each solution named assignment_<#>, where <#> is 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. “Assignments” are homeworks and codebreakers (i.e. HW1 directory and C1 directory).

Required Software

Further reading and Challenges